Wednesday, February 7, 2018


  1. March 2013 I had my surgery for the occipital nerve stimulator implanted.  I remember being in the recovery room and Dr. A coming in to check up on me.  I held his hand and cried.  I thanked him for all he had done for me as I was pain free. The first time in four years. He shed a few tears himself.

A couple weeks ago, I noticed that I wasn't getting a good charge.  Last week, I called the company and explained what was happening and they think the charging unit needed to be replaced, but warned me that it's a long process as it needs to be submitted through insurance.  I asked if she could email the paperwork to me(which she did) and I would print it out and fax it back.
  1. Tuesday, B helped me do it.  My rep called me this evening.  He was asking questions and I was answering him back.  Since my remote had full bars, he doesn't believe it's the charger, but the implant itself.  *sigh*

  2. I told him of the major weight loss and how it sticks out a good 1.4"-1/2" out of my back.  He gave me the number to where the procedure will be done if I want it.  He said they would cut me open, remove the unit, replace it with a new one, put some stitches in it and I would go home the same day.  He said it's a simple procedure. Um, I don't know how I feel about that.  Surgery of any kind scares me as I have CVS and need special medications due to adrenal failure as well.  

So, for now, he said to keep an eye on the charge on the remote, clean the docking unit with rubbing alcohol and if  I want the surgery, that's always an option.  He also mentioned he would hate for me to get charged for the charger itself if that's not the problem.

I think I hit something and that's the reasons for the numbers showing up and I can't seem to get rid of them, so.......oh well.

When I had the surgery done in 2013, they wanted to put it in my lower back.  I did tons of research and found a women online that had it done under her shoulder blade.  I went to the drs office and told him that's where I wanted mine.  He said "I've never done one there before"

I told him how I thought it was stupid to put the ONS in my lower back and run the leads up into my head.  Having it under my shoulder blade on my back made much more sense.  And so, he agreed.

It's always a good thing to be your own advocate.  Let your voice be heard.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!!!!! Still haven't heard anything from the pain psychologist or pain magmt doc about the Dorsal Root Ganglion Spinal Cord Stimulator! Still waiting on the annoying lady from DPW about my MAWD medicaid. I dropped stuff off yesterday and didn't hear anything today. Calling in the morning, even though I wrote a note for her to call me today about the payments for the secondary insurance. She told me last week when I called....after being diagnosed with the flu...that I should be happy I still qualify b/c I make so much on SSDI. Yup....there I go diving into my room full of gold coins again. This month forgoing probiotics and other supplements that help b/c they took $268 out of my SSDI for the Medicare payments for January and February. It's good to be
