They say that silence is golden. That would be true to a certain degree. I'm in my head too much. He barely speaks a word to be. Yesterday I received a text asking me to do the laundry as he was out of work pants. Just call me Cinderella, minus the prince. I did all the dishes as I can not stand to see anything in the sink. And, he comes home and eats and leaves all his dirty dishes in the sink, after I had just done them all. UGH UGH UGH UGH. Truth be told, I didn't even look to see if they were done. Highly doubt they were.
Cleaned up the dog shit as well because he apparently thinks he is above cleaning up shit. Took the recycling out because if I don't take that and the trash out, it will never get done. Did I mention we still don't have a shovel?
A few days prior to Christmas, he went out and bought a 50" tv, mounting unit, speaker things and cable hiders and yet when I asked when the fuck he was going to get a shovel, his response was "then that's more money I have to spend."
I can't do stupid. I really can't. Last night when I was outside with Mo, the walkway was like a skating rink and we have no salt. Because that would cost money to get as well. So, if anyone walks down the pavement, falls and injures themselves, I ain't gonna be the one who gets sued.
And, today, he calls after works and asks what I am making for dinner. The answer was nothing, because we have nothing to make. The freezer is empty and I don't get my food stamps until the 16th. Told him to eat soup. "I don't want soup." Don't know what to tell ya, homie.
I never did get a thank you for doing his wash. I mean, I would thank the person, but that's just me. I'm beginning to feel like this blog is nothing more than just a bitch fest. Whatever.
Oh, I did paint my nails last night. Haven't done that in a hot minute. Felt good to do something little for myself. Also took a hot shower today while jamming to Maroon 5 using the portable speaker thing that he got me for xmas.
So, yeah, that's about it I guess. J Lo got the right message...
This blog is a bitch fest? Bitch away, girlfriend. That's why you have this place. To whine. And vent. And cry. And complain. And bitch. AAAND, that's why you only have a few people who can read it. I'm sorry that he is being such an ass all the time. What is his fucking problem???
ReplyDeleteIt's all good now :) I want this space to be a positive one with a sprinkle of bitchiness thrown in ;)